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K5 Blazer

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K5 Blazer Empty K5 Blazer

Post by jerry46765 Fri May 25, 2012 1:16 am

I have always liked the K5 Blazer.
Back in the day, I had a few of them but they were all rust buckets.
A few years ago, I ran across one with potential in Alabama and drove it back to Indiana.
It had been run hard, but what was amazing to me, it was rust free.

After I got it home, my buddy said his Uncle has the 'exact' same truck, only it's nice.
He was right. It was much better and he wanted to sell it.
So I unloaded the Alabama Blazer and have been running this one for the last couple years.

My kids dig it.
They want me to drive around with the top off in January.

Someday, I envision pulling one of the Chevelles to the dragstrip with this truck.

Anyone else running a G3 era truck?

Thanks -

K5 Blazer Blazer_01

Last edited by jerry46765 on Fri May 25, 2012 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spell check)
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K5 Blazer Empty Re: K5 Blazer

Post by 77mali Fri May 25, 2012 6:25 am

IMO, these & their pick up truck counterparts are the best Chevy ever built.

I always wanted one in a Suburban version...they're absolutely HUGE!

That's a great color combo you got ( I think Chevelle had that color or something similar for 75).
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K5 Blazer Empty Re: K5 Blazer

Post by jrb75 Fri May 25, 2012 9:29 am

Always like those models. I'd love to have another 67-72 though. I had a 71 C20 for for a few years and had to give it up.
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K5 Blazer Empty Re: K5 Blazer

Post by thatfnthing Fri May 25, 2012 11:21 am

I always liked those, too, but around here they were so poorly undercoated you could actually hear them rusting.
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K5 Blazer Empty Re: K5 Blazer

Post by Psychlonic Fri May 25, 2012 12:39 pm

I've got it planned to drop an El Camino onto either one of these guys' frames or a shortbox pickup frame from the same era. Until then though, no. My stepfather has a 79 long bed though with a 350 him and I rebuilt when I was a kid. That thing is a lot of fun and pulls firewood and hauls equipment around with ease.

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