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compare stock & custom paint

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compare stock & custom paint Empty compare stock & custom paint

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:38 am

Can you tell the differance? JB [img]compare stock & custom paint Camaro10[/img][img]compare stock & custom paint Camaro11[/img]
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compare stock & custom paint Empty Re: compare stock & custom paint

Post by Joe73 Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:26 am

Well, in the top pic, that car looks a whole lot shiner than the bottom pic. But the top car could have been shot with some clear over the factory paint to get that shine. Or that car has been block sanded and buffed out. I've seen that done on alot of grand nationals and monte SS's back in the day. Especially the black ones, they came out like a show paint job.

The bottom pic has more of a factory shine but I dont think thats a factory color.

Either way both cars look great!!
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compare stock & custom paint Empty Re: compare stock & custom paint

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:35 am

The bottom pic is House Of Kolor Limetime Pearl. The top is a stock color. JB
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compare stock & custom paint Empty Re: compare stock & custom paint

Post by thatfnthing Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:27 pm

In my experience, lighting is everything. The top photo is a cloudy day, and if the bottom photo was on a sunny day, that color will definitely pop more. Having seen the factory one up close, I can attest that it is a lot brighter in person than the top photo would suggest. I would bet that those two cars would look very close if they were right next to each other.

However, I will say it looks better with the SS badge than the bowtie.
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