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this customer got screwed

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this customer got screwed Empty this customer got screwed

Post by dynchel Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:20 am

We have a '98 dodge Dakota in the shop that the customer just bought.  They wanted to make sure it is safe.
this customer got screwed IMG_20140930_110429476_zpstpmm7c8r
this customer got screwed IMG_20140930_110426150_HDR_zpshe5858yh
Gas tank has a ratchet strap holding up the rear, and a bungy cord holding up the front.
this customer got screwed IMG_20140930_110510938_zpsnkbvywuh
Its a little blurry but someone "rigged up" the o2 sensor.  The clutch fan is seized, and it has obvious spray foam for body work that's been painted over.  Oh its a 3.9 v6 with 200,000 miles.  $1200.00 from someone they know...
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by pila Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:33 pm

Screwed is right ! Nasty thing to unload on a friend.....

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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by 77mali Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:24 pm

Some friend.  That's a shame, I hope Karma get's the seller.  Never lend/borrow to/from friends & family.  LOL  Nothing but trouble come of it.  You take someone for their word & end up getting the short end.

I don't know what it is these days though-people really do need to crawl under, poke, prod, test drive, etc. a used car.  No one deserves to get screwed but by the same token take the damn thing to your mechanic and have them look it over before you dish out your hard earned $$ & end up getting screwed.  Like Ronny Reagan once said: "Trust but verify!"
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by ant7377 Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:38 pm

Just saw a Jeep Liberty on the highway that the gas tank fell out of. It had a ratchet strap hanging under there too. Sounds like a turd. Write off the 1200 bucks and dump it.
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by ant7377 Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:38 pm

Just saw a Jeep Liberty on the highway that the gas tank fell out of. It had a ratchet strap hanging under there too. Sounds like a turd. Write off the 1200 bucks and dump it.
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:16 am

My daughter kinows a gal who bought a used Dodge Journey and the door litterly fell off the car when she opened the door. JB
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by Dinomyte Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:42 am

Somebody's parents didn't teach them right from wrong.
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this customer got screwed Empty Re: this customer got screwed

Post by switchbiker Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:29 am

a set of actual fuel tank straps wouldn't have cost much. If the owner skimped on those there is no telling what other nightmares exist in the unseen parts of that vehicle.
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