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Tom Sawyer By Rush

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Tom Sawyer By Rush  Empty Tom Sawyer By Rush

Post by Limey SE Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:04 pm

As you have never seen before This is sooooo Cool

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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Tom Sawyer By Rush  Empty Re: Tom Sawyer By Rush

Post by thatfnthing Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:10 pm

That's cute, but I could never get into Rush.  I'm more of a Streetheart/Kim Mitchell/Saga kinda guy.

I think Neil Peart actually did look like that back in the day, though. Smile
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Street Cred : 65

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