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trunk floor pans

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trunk floor pans Empty trunk floor pans

Post by Joe73 Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:17 pm

I was just wandering around rockauto and see they only have (1) left of SHERMAN 70976K . Thats the (3) piece complete trunk floor kit. Includes left, right and center trunk floor. All for $267. Those sherman parts are $160 for each side and $180 for the center. So $500 for the set. So rockauto has a good deal but only one kit left. And dont forget to google and use rockautos 5% discount code thats always around.

Just fyi.

Kit is supposed to fit montes as well. Thumbs up
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trunk floor pans Empty Re: trunk floor pans

Post by Hawk03 Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:41 pm

That's a good deal. I will add the below link I received in email from Rockauto. It has close out prices for 1977 Malibu. Some pretty cheap stuff.

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