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73 ss cluster removal

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73 ss cluster removal Empty 73 ss cluster removal

Post by clanceman427 Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:10 am

I need to take instrument cluster out to do some troubleshooting. I read the sticky on dash removal whicklh is very helpful. It appears that in order to pull my cluster partially out to assess wiring behind it, I'll need to get the bezel off first. First though the radio knobs need to be pulled (got that) but doesn't the windshield wiper switch knob need to be removed? How does that come off? Don't want to break anything. Also the headlight knob needs to come off but that I know how to do.

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73 ss cluster removal Empty Re: 73 ss cluster removal

Post by Joe73 Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:47 am

The only wiring behind the bezel is the big connector plug. There is no wiring behind the cluster. Behind the cluster there is "ribbon wiring". This is two very thin pieces of plastic sandwiching thin flat copper. It comes off with the cluster. When the cluster is in place the big connector just slides in. The dash is holding the big connector securely.
Take a look at the second pic of this auction. You will see the ribbon wiring. http://www.ebay.com/itm/73-74-75-76-77-Monte-Carlo-Chevelle-Malibu-El-Camino-Cluster-Dash-Speedo-Gauge-/221833672552

Also, there is a U shaped clip behind the speedo that holds the cable onto the back of the speedo. You can usually slide a finger back there and pull the clip towards you while removing the cluster.
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73 ss cluster removal Empty Re: 73 ss cluster removal

Post by Joe73 Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:47 am

Oh. Bezel should come off without doing anything to the wiper switch if I remember correctly.
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73 ss cluster removal Empty Re: 73 ss cluster removal

Post by clanceman427 Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:22 pm

Thanks Joe!
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73 ss cluster removal Empty Re: 73 ss cluster removal

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