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Scored a new tow rig....

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Scored a new tow rig.... Empty Scored a new tow rig....

Post by Jim_Rockford Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:28 am

Clapp Clapp Clapp Clapp Clapp Clapp
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Scored a new tow rig.... Empty Re: Scored a new tow rig....

Post by IndyG3 Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:36 pm

I like it!
Make sure that you check ALL of the fluids on that! The person I bought my Blazer off of said they replaced the brakes, trans fluid, you name it. I ended up spending almost a month replacing engine, transmission and brake fluids along with all of the brake components. Rolling Eyes
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Scored a new tow rig.... Empty Re: Scored a new tow rig....

Post by Jim_Rockford Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:48 pm

Ohh I've already changed the fluid in the rear end, replaced the axle seals, checked the transmission fluid, transmission is so clean you can eat off of it and ther eis a metal tag on the top of the bellhouseing, I've replaced all the ball joints,m Idler arm, Got a pitman arm for it, changed the oil and filter and flushed the radiator and refilled with new dexcool. And put two good used tires on the rear where he had the wrong size on 2 rims. also claned and rebuilt the from calipers and installed new brake pads in the front, alt is new , I can see that and the starter is new I can see that. cleaned and adjusted the rear brakes. Its been a busy week.
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Scored a new tow rig.... Empty Re: Scored a new tow rig....

Post by coreys73chevelle Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:23 pm

nice! looks to be in great condition for the year/model
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