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Howdy.... Empty Howdy....

Post by knightfan26917 Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:59 pm

I decided to join.... Most of you know me, I'm sure....

Not sure how much I'll post, but though I'd join anyway. Been scarce on all of my forums recently, and that will most-likely continue...sorry.

BTW ... it is the 3rd gen of the A bodys, but 1973-77 is only the 2nd gen of the MC Wink.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Welcome me to stay overnight" ... Ingrim Hill ... 'Will I Ever Make It Home?'
G3GM Senior Member
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Street Cred : 8

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by Limey SE Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:18 pm

MAY I BE THE FIRST TO WELCOME YOU CORT THANKS FOR JOINING YET ANOTHER SITE ......BUT ANYWHOS CORT THANKS FOR COMING ABOARD... and yes we had that didscussion already about the gen's but thanks again for bringing up a valid point brother

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:04 pm

The more, the merrier, lol. I belong to about 10 or 12 forums, but am most active on the OTHER one and then here. Of course, that does not include the one where I am a moderator, which is a music site. JB
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 28

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:08 am

Welcome to G3GM... The name was just catchy and easy to say thats why I made it that. Didnt think about all the other cars tho but you are true it is the 3rd gen A-body


Howdy.... SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by knightfan26917 Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:20 am

THE MALIGOON wrote:MAY I BE THE FIRST TO WELCOME YOU CORT THANKS FOR JOINING YET ANOTHER SITE ......BUT ANYWHOS CORT THANKS FOR COMING ABOARD... and yes we had that didscussion already about the gen's but thanks again for bringing up a valid point brother


I do my best Wink. LOL!

And, thank you. Good to be here.

JB2wheeler wrote:The more, the merrier, lol. I belong to about 10 or 12 forums, but am most active on the OTHER one and then here. Of course, that does not include the one where I am a moderator, which is a music site. JB

*raises eyebrow*

A music site? Tell me more....

I'm active on, now, over 20 forums. Not sure how I do it...but it is the best way for me to keep up with people I know ... and share some cool ideas and thoughts in the process.


But, for the last month, I've been rather scarce because of some stuff that needs my attention more, mostly not-so-good stuff. Just a matter of needing more sleep, etc., so I've started visiting each board once a week or so.... Not the best, but at least I still stay in touch Wink.

BlackChevelleSS wrote:Welcome to G3GM... The name was just catchy and easy to say thats why I made it that. Didnt think about all the other cars tho but you are true it is the 3rd gen A-body

Thanks, BC!

I like the name, too. And, of the '73-'77 cars, isn't the Monte Carlo the only one that had not started prior to 1970? Or?

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'
G3GM Senior Member
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Street Cred : 8

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:52 pm

Yes, the Monte Carlo started in 1970 wheereas the other nameplates started before that, but the main thing is from 73 to 77 all the midsize nameplates were virtually the same and beforte and after they were a lot differant mechanically. I have been the moderator of an oldies/nostalgia website for about 8 or nine years and I was/am very strict about cussing and subject matter that our membership has declined over the years. We have a lot of kids that come there for info and homework solutions on the decades of 1950s and 60s. I would not want to subject my kids to such matters, so why would I condone it for other peoples kids. I have a huge record and CD collection with about 2,500 CDs (a rough estimate). Very few of those CDs are for releases after 1975. JB
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 28

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by knightfan26917 Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:16 am

JB2wheeler wrote:I have been the moderator of an oldies/nostalgia website for about 8 or nine years and I was/am very strict about cussing and subject matter that our membership has declined over the years. We have a lot of kids that come there for info and homework solutions on the decades of 1950s and 60s. I would not want to subject my kids to such matters, so why would I condone it for other peoples kids. I have a huge record and CD collection with about 2,500 CDs (a rough estimate). Very few of those CDs are for releases after 1975. JB

WOW. Sounds like a great site, JB. I like the older songs, too ... play mostly older stuff on my radio show when I do it.....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"We had lots of fun" ... Dickey Lee ... 'Rocky'
G3GM Senior Member
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Street Cred : 8

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by ant7377 Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:58 pm

Hi Cort!
G3GM Addict
G3GM Addict

Street Cred : 36

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

Post by knightfan26917 Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:52 am

Hey! Good to see you here, too! Woo hoo!

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"What am I leaving when I'm done here?" ... Linkin Park ... 'Leave Out All The Rest'
G3GM Senior Member
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Street Cred : 8

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Howdy.... Empty Re: Howdy....

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