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Adult-themed Kid Stuff

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Adult-themed Kid Stuff Empty Adult-themed Kid Stuff

Post by knightfan26917 Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:40 pm

"Kid" movies/shows that have adult themes (or vice versa) ... GO!

Kermit & Rowlf singing about women ... "I Hope That Something Better Comes Along":

[My favorite song from that 1979 Muppet Movie is one of the related videos on the right-hand-side list ... Kermit & Fozzie singing "Movin' Right Along".]

Scenes from the original CARS movie ... "Real Gone":

Golden Girls ... choose just about ANY scene from that TV show. As a kid, I was allowed to watch it ... but seeing it now as an adult, I'm a bit surprised. The writing and acting on that show was superb, at least in terms of disguising some of the adult themes....


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