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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:47 pm

one wall of toy room.(90% montes of course)
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Room110
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Dios10

some after pics of bathroom
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 00410
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 00510
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 01110
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 01410
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 01310

with the new shower head pipe,it is now 7'2" tall....no more bending over to fit. (in the old shower)
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Shower10
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by dynchel Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:30 pm

Very nice.
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by thatfnthing Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:55 pm

That's some nice work. What make is that shower drain? Schluter? Laticrete? I was planning on doing something like that. Was it easy to work with? Any problems?
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:18 am

its a sloped pan about 3x3
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Floor-10

only thing I would of done different is connect the 3 drain holes
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 12-2-110

it has a pan that can either have the tile in it.or flip it for stainless look
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 12-2-111
getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. 01411

I cant remember where or what kind. I bought it in september
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by 77mali Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:29 am

Did you do the work yourself Chris? Looks like you have heated floors there as well in the shower. Looks great, modern yet classic at the same time.

Latticrete is a great product line, best in the world for modified mortars, grouts & thin-sets!
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by thatfnthing Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:06 am

Ditto on the Laticrete. I've used the Spectra-lock grout -- it's more complicated to work with, but you never have a problem with it afterward. I noticed they had expanded into shower drains and such, and I have a couple bathroom remodels coming up.
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by 77mali Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:49 am

They've expanded into a lot of new markets, in particular masonry/stone veneer installation products & concrete related toppings and such. I've been working w/ that stuff for 25 years this coming May. There are few other companies that even come close- Ardex & Mapei come to mind but that's it.
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getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling. Empty Re: getting my house back together after 12 weeks of remodeling.

Post by thatfnthing Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:15 pm

Excellent -- now I know who to come to for advice!
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