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Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

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Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Empty Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

Post by clanceman427 Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:46 pm

I have a strong suspicion that what I found bolted to my steering column in my 73 Chevelle SS is the remnants of something aftermarket that a previous owner might have installed, as evidenced by the fact that my instrument panel has a hole drilled in it for an old toggle switch, plus I found a toggle switch bezel in the car as well as a 12V lead plugged into the fuse panel that lead to nowhere (I've removed that already).

The suspect ground can be seen bolted to the steering column underneath the panel (unbolted for photo) that houses the vent push-pull levers. There is a silver tag that reads "Negative Ground" attached to the wire as well. This wasn't a factory ground wire right?

Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Imag0719

Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Imag0720
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Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Empty Re: Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

Post by thatfnthing Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:52 pm

Correct. No factory wires were connected to the column bolts, although it will work electrically. The factory also did not label their wires that way (or at all).
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Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Empty Re: Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

Post by clanceman427 Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:19 pm

Thanks, always good to confirm Smile
G3GM Enthusiast
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Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Empty Re: Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

Post by Joe73 Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:51 pm

I agree, thats not factory. Wire with that type of tag looks like a lead for aftermarket electronics like a radio, cb or tape deck.
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Is this a factory ground?  73 SS Empty Re: Is this a factory ground? 73 SS

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