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need some help

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need some help Empty need some help

Post by alive 75 Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:50 pm

so i'm 105 miles into my break in period for a brand new posi rear end that was a 2.73 and now is a 3.73 posi rear end.
i went out on a drive ans when i started to do a brake tork the car started to mis fire and then it died out.
it started right up again but when i floored it- it back fired and i blew open both mufflers out surely there is no connection about the engine misfire along with the rear end gear
its a 350 and i have a 3 speed trans, it revs high traveling the highways,
does the high rpms have anything to do with it
thnks Danny

alive 75
alive 75
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by JF74chevelle Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:05 pm

alive 75 wrote:so i'm 105 miles into my break in period for a brand new posi rear end that was a 2.73 and now is a 3.73 posi rear end.
i went out on a drive ans when i started to do a brake tork the car started to mis fire and then it died out.
it started right up again but when i floored it- it back fired and i blew open both mufflers out surely there is no connection about the engine misfire along with the rear end gear
its a 350 and i have a 3 speed trans, it revs high traveling the highways,
does the high rpms have anything to do with it
thnks Danny

I highly doubt that the rear gears could cause a back fire. Check your plugs and such. Ignition components.
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by alowerlevel Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:29 am

JF74chevelle wrote:I highly doubt that the rear gears could cause a back fire. Check your plugs and such. Ignition components.

X2, either ignition or a carburetor issue
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by fasrnur Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:38 pm

Has it done it again sine sir? As for the high revs on the highway, you put some steeper gears in it so those will contribute to a higher rpm while driving at highway speeds.
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by Hs1973 Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:39 pm

Sounds like ignition problems. If your car has points and not a hei, i would start there.
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need some help Empty so this is what happened

Post by alive 75 Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:20 pm

a spring popped off the weights under the rotor, and I'm guessing that caused the backfire
I only found this out after I went to the local winners circle and bought new plugs wires cap and rotor and header heat rap
I installed everything, I put the heavy springs in and advanced the timing, I took the car out and ran it a few miles before I laid into it,
I did a nice brake tork and it was perfect did not pop hesitate or misfire, I left a nice 8 foot dual patch of rubber on the back country road,
alive 75
alive 75
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by JF74chevelle Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:49 pm

alive 75 wrote:a spring popped off the weights under the rotor, and I'm guessing that caused the backfire
I only found this out after I went to the local winners circle and bought new plugs wires cap and rotor and header heat rap
I installed everything, I put the heavy springs in and advanced the timing, I took the car out and ran it a few miles before I laid into it,
I did a nice brake tork and it was perfect did not pop hesitate or misfire, I left a nice 8 foot dual patch of rubber on the back country road,

Glad you found the problem.
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

Post by REVINKEVIN / Mr. 600+HP Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:03 pm

Laying rubber feels so good. Glad you figured it out.
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need some help Empty Re: need some help

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