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something just is not right

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something just is not right  Empty something just is not right

Post by alive 75 Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:27 pm

i had a new set of rear end gears put in my 75 monte carlo, i went from a stock 2/73 one wheel peel to a 3/73 posi track,
my engine is a stock 350 with a 4 bbl carb, I have a 3 speed transmission
my engine rpm is around 3000 at aprox 55-60 mph
a few weeks back i was driving it around town and once i gave it some healthy acceleration it stumbled really bad and blew out both my mufflers that were less than a year old, so i went and bought new spark plugs wires cap and rotor, while taking off the rotor under the distributor cap i noticed a return spring was completely missing from the timing advance weights, i put a stiffer set of springs on and put all of the new tune up parts on and the car ran perfectly,
then driving it to work on friday it started doing the same thing again, so the first thing i thought was that the spring popped off again, but when i check it they were both still on, I had a new set of weights from jegs that i had on for about a year, so what i did was put the old original set back in and the car drove fine, is it possible that the high rpms are causing a problem with my distributor
or is there another problem  
here is a picture of the weights i got from jegs the stock originals are installed now
something just is not right  Img_2610
alive 75
alive 75
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something just is not right  Empty Re: something just is not right

Post by bigredlaguna Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:27 pm

I am not sure the problem is with the advance or lack of advance. Think about what would cause an exhaust backfire bad enough to blow out mufflers.

Unburnt fuel would definitely do it. You may have an ignition module on it's way out. Since you changed everything else out, it's the only other thing that could cause a missing/no spark condition.
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