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Interesting video just changing a few parts.

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Interesting video just changing a few parts. Empty Interesting video just changing a few parts.

Post by Joe73 Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:29 pm

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Interesting video just changing a few parts. Empty Re: Interesting video just changing a few parts.

Post by Limey SE Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:41 am

I just watched this Yesterday also and How about that Little 305 putting out them Numbers over the factory rating

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Interesting video just changing a few parts. Empty Re: Interesting video just changing a few parts.

Post by Joe73 Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:48 am

Exactly. Imagine with a bumped up compression and better manifold. The point that Im glad was brought out is the "timing" aspect. I see so many people asking what their timing should be and people just give an "initial" timing number. Timing is more than that. You need initial, advanced and mechanical all working together. And it makes a big difference when done right.
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Interesting video just changing a few parts. Empty Re: Interesting video just changing a few parts.

Post by bracketchev1221 Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:19 pm

I watched that video too. I wish they would have confirmed the balancer because it leaves a lot of questions. The fact they started at 31 and ended at 52 degrees timing is not unheard of for an 8.5:1 compression engine at best. It can swallow a bunch of timing. But if it was spun on the outer ring, then what did they actually start at? They bumped timing 21 degrees. So factoring average performance engine timing of 38 degrees was the engine really at 17 degrees total? Doesn’t seem possible because my experience with hei ignitions has 20+ degrees advance. So it would have been at 0 or less at idle.
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Interesting video just changing a few parts. Empty Re: Interesting video just changing a few parts.

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