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quarter panels sedan vs coupe

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quarter panels sedan vs coupe Empty quarter panels sedan vs coupe

Post by 76Chevelle2Tone Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:40 pm

Yes I'm a sedan guy in a coupe world. So the question concerns the quarter panels for a 76. I understand the exact difference in the front side of the quarter panel between the two. The sedan has a skinny looped curve around the front side of the wheel well while the coupe has a noticeably wider and straighter section there. But from the wheel well opening to the tail section are the coupe and sedan quarters exactly the same? Thanks for any info.
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quarter panels sedan vs coupe Empty Re: quarter panels sedan vs coupe

Post by g3chevy / Mr Pontiac Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:46 am

I think I remember someone here on the forum discussing this a few years back. I think the wheel well molding is the same for both the sedan and coupe? Anyone have a reference book with part numbers to verify? If they are the same then I would think the rest of the quarter panel would be very similar if not exact.
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
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quarter panels sedan vs coupe Empty probably the same but ...

Post by 76Chevelle2Tone Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:49 pm

Thanks for your reply. I think they are the same too after the door side difference but the car makers often do weird little things so that's why I am asking. The 73 quarters are just a little bit different past the wheel well compared to 74-77 apparently. I was just hoping someone had used a sedan quarter on their coupe and could verify everything was exactly the same past the wheel well.
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