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Oops Empty Oops

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:35 pm

So, in the process of cleaning (I should say pressure washing) the engine, I thought I had covered everything up. So when I took the valve covers off, and turned the engine over on the engine stand, the bottom of the pistons were filled with water. I took the oil pan off and blew it dry with an air hose making sure to get all the water out, but along the way, I blew a crap ton of gunk all over myself and inside the engine. I sprayed all the internals after with WD-40 to prevent rusting inside. I also wire brushed the outside to get the rust and 30 years worth of grease off, but I think some of the dust got down inside the engine. What is the best way to make sure I don't screw up my engine when I put it back in the car? I also pressure washed the tranny as well and may have gotten some water inside that too. What things do I need to check or clean out before starting it up again?
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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Oops Empty Re: Oops

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:47 pm

water in the tranny is bad, the glue used to hold the clutch material to the bands and plates is water soluable. Try to get it out without flipping the trans over.


Oops SIG2

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Oops Empty Re: Oops

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:55 pm

How can you find out if there's damage?
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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Oops Empty Re: Oops

Post by coreys73chevelle Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:20 pm

if you started the engine with water on the pistons i prety much guarentee you craked a ring or head gasket . just take it down to the block and reassemble it with all new piston rings and bearings. just a safe way of doing it and piece of mind knowing your rings and bearings are new.

if not at least dissasemble the top end/ valve covers off, heads off, intake off, barb off intake, lifters out. take off the oil pan and timing chain cover and clean everything out with solvent, wipe clean with clean rags and blow dry with air compressor then get a quart of oil and smear some oil on all the parts like the timing chain and lifters and install a new gastet on the pan and timing chain becuase they will most likely leak.
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Oops Empty Re: Oops

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