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Who's got a straight six car?

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Who's got a straight six car? Empty Who's got a straight six car?

Post by jimmyess333 Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:39 pm

I'm picking up a 75 Malibu with a straight six.
Who else has one?

There's nothing like seeing an engine in it's purest and honest form just hanging out with so much space around it.

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Who's got a straight six car? Empty Re: Who's got a straight six car?

Post by texan01 Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:58 pm

I've only seen one, it was a base 76 malibu sedan in the '90s.

Might not be very fast, but it is for sure a real gem.

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Who's got a straight six car? Empty Re: Who's got a straight six car?

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:31 pm

There's a '74 sitting in a yard up here with one.
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