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Post by Limey SE Fri May 10, 2013 9:36 pm

So I am getting close to putting the SE on the road and shopping for Insurance and went to haggerty first just out of curiousity I place a quote with them .....

Came back as 398 a year with 2200 Yearly miles ? and holy snikes they gave the Value as $12,500.oo Is that a norm that they give a replacement value ?? first time using them so no clue.
Limey SE
Limey SE

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Post by Cale11 Fri May 10, 2013 10:49 pm

You could get it cheaper if you pick the value of the car, I use Haggerty but only pay $162 a year for $9000 on the car and like 100/300 coverage in case I lose control of the 145 horsepower 350 and take out a group of onlookers....
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Post by Limey SE Fri May 10, 2013 11:17 pm

I redid it at them standard's and it dropped it $112 a year to $286 a YEAR so not bad for a year !! at all
Limey SE
Limey SE

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Post by dynchel Sat May 11, 2013 6:51 am

I have state farm insurance for everything house, cars, etc. For my two toy cars I have them as a stated value of $15.000 each.(I picked the number) it costs me $80.00 a year, but I will also mention that I have historical vechicle license plates that have there own set of rulers about use and mileage, so that probably helps with the low price. Smile
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Post by Wallyuph Sat May 11, 2013 10:57 am

Limey I pay 485.00 a year for three cars with Hagerity. (see values below) I had the 56 appraised and they will take that appraisal and use that for the base. They do increase the value as time goes on I had the appraisal done years ago and it came in at 33K so they have increased the value over the years. I thought that was a great thing. The latest 74 laguna I just want insurance on for now as was not running. After it is up and running I'll increase the value. For years they did not know my 56 was not stock. When they sent out a update form I checked of modified boxes and it went up by 110 a year.

In my opinion it is a good price for what they will have to pay out for if they get totaled or stolen.

Also I had a claim on the 56 when I first bought it . The first trip out after getting it running the hood flew off and caved the roof in. They had not even received my payment check and they still covered the repairs. I had a 5000.00 claim and had just sent them a check for under 350.00.
Last year the 73 got a chip windshield and I had jut installed new glass. They sent out a glass guy and he did a chip repair. I was told by Hagerity if at any time down the line I did not like the repair they would replace the glass.

So all in all I'm very happy with them.

1956 Chevy Belair with agreed value of 37,000.00
1973 Malibu with agreed value of 22,000.00
1974 Lacuna with agreed value of 6,000.00
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Post by Limey SE Sat May 11, 2013 11:19 am

Very Nice looks like if I don't say its modified it would be in my best interest it looks like and after all its only a cam, manifold, and carb that is changed
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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Post by Wallyuph Sat May 11, 2013 11:46 am

I don't think that would be a big deal. For me on the 56 chevy its I have a 350 engine, 400 trany and a nova front clip. Just the body and rear end are stock. If there was aclaim they could tell this stuff is not stock for a 56 chevy. I would not say any thing on stuff thy can see if you know what I mean.
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Post by Cale11 Sat May 11, 2013 4:08 pm

So level with us Limey, what kind of checkered past do you have that your insurance costs so much? You once run over a cop trying to avoid the spike strips or something?
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Post by dynchel Sat May 11, 2013 5:43 pm

Cale11 wrote:So level with us Limey, what kind of checkered past do you have that your insurance costs so much? You once run over a cop trying to avoid the spike strips or something?
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Post by Limey SE Sat May 11, 2013 6:02 pm

Cale11 wrote:So level with us Limey, what kind of checkered past do you have that your insurance costs so much? You once run over a cop trying to avoid the spike strips or something?

No actually have DUI from when I was 24 (Now 47) And One speeding ticket That is prob the reason for it was 40+ over the posted 55 limit LMAO. My cruise control linkage snapped and when it did it nailed my throttle wide open and before I could get it whoa'd down I blew past past A COP AT 139 mph, that needless to say was not a very fun thing to do on a state highway I JUST THANK GOD to this day NO ONE was backing out of there driveway for that would have been all over for us.
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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Post by Cale11 Sat May 11, 2013 6:57 pm

What the hell kind of car were you driving that would do 139? Every muscle car I owned would fall apart or float away around the 120 mark......

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Post by 1973 454 MONTE Sat May 11, 2013 8:04 pm

back in the late 80s my 75 monte burried the 120 round speedo,the needle was at R. i was clocked at 145. ive only been able to get the big block up to 105 before i have to hit the brakes because of slow pokes. Laughing

when the monte is done i will have to get some kind of collector insurance.right not its under just fire and theft with allstate for 120 a year.
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Post by Limey SE Sat May 11, 2013 8:32 pm

Cale11 wrote:What the hell kind of car were you driving that would do 139? Every muscle car I owned would fall apart or float away around the 120 mark......

Trans Am Fbody type with a 350 in it had aftermarket stuff out the wazzooo A car lot I used to detail at got in on a trade And I swapped my rusted out skylark for it in the car lot I worked at
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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