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To become a Donated Member

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To become a Donated Member Empty To become a Donated Member

Post by BlackChevelleSS Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:56 am

What is a Donated Member?
-A Donated member is a Member of G3GM that has donated Cash or Time to help support the Site.
Currently there is no need for any extra moderators so time will have to be made up in some other fashion.

What is the benefits of a Donated member?
-Donated members receive
--1 free G3GM sticker of their choice.
--User name rating of 6 stars, that will go down every year unless you donate again in the upcoming years.
--Access to the G3GM Donated members forum
--Access to upload pics to the user gallery.
--Recognition in their support for the site by having their user name on the donated member lists.

What do I have to do to become a Donated member?
-There is a Donate button on the front page, as well as the upper right and corner of the screen. This is the easiest with paypal as you can just click the button and enter your information. You can also PM BlackChevelleSS for an address if you would like to send a check or a money order.
-Minimum Donation required to become a Donated member is $10, you can donate more if you like but if you donate less you will just be "donating to the site" but not receiving the benefits and recognition of becoming a donated member.

G3GM is still a small forum of great people, but is slowly growing and becoming what I set out for it to be. Hopefully in the future we can add more benefits for the donated members. But just remember its about keeping G3GM alive and supporting the forum for all 73-77 GM A-body enthusiasts! Thumbs up GoFast


To become a Donated Member SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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