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Holley 2 bbl.

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Holley 2 bbl. Empty Holley 2 bbl.

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sat May 09, 2009 8:27 am

I recently acquired a Holly 2 bbl carb from my grandpa. It came off of a mid-late 70's Chevy Van he had. Would this carb work on my MC? If so, I'll probably rebuild it and try it out.

Holley 2 bbl. P5080001
Holley 2 bbl. P5080002
Holley 2 bbl. P5080003
Holley 2 bbl. P5080004
Holley 2 bbl. P5080005
Holley 2 bbl. P5080006

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Holley 2 bbl. Empty Re: Holley 2 bbl.

Post by Redsway76 Sat May 09, 2009 12:47 pm

it should work as most carb bases are universal the bigges exception is the dominator series and quadrajet have different base plates but adapters are sold for that but everything looks the same as my 2 JET Rochester that came on my 76 fuel inlet throttle linkage etc. linkage will prolly be your biggest problem was the van it came off of a chevy if so your ok if not gotta work on some way to link it up
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Holley 2 bbl. Empty Re: Holley 2 bbl.

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sat May 09, 2009 7:58 pm

Yes, it was a Chevy.

G3GM Fanatic
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Holley 2 bbl. Empty Re: Holley 2 bbl.

Post by Redsway76 Sat May 09, 2009 9:47 pm

than u should be in good shape
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