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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week Empty 4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

Post by switchbiker Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:56 pm

Clean car but a few things bother me about this ride.
1. That windshield sticker, bad. We know its a Chevrolet, no need to plaster it across the windshield.
2. The body color SS badges. All the chrome is shined up, but the badges are  completely painted, makes no sense to me.
3. Nice paint job/body work rolling on the cheapest Chrome wheels around. Again, makes no sense. A set of Rally wheels would have looked a lot better and still budget friendly.
~I'm done ranting, had to get it off my chest, it was bugging me everytime I saw that photo
4/20/2014 Ride of the Week 1974-elcamino-12

Last edited by switchbiker on Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week Empty Re: 4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

Post by thatfnthing Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:35 pm

Man, remind me not to let you get within 10 feet of mine. Very Happy
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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week Empty Re: 4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

Post by driveit Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:06 pm

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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week Empty Re: 4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

Post by Limey SE Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:26 pm

If you glance at plates you will see its overseas, they have a different concept of what works well and what doesn't
Limey SE
Limey SE

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4/20/2014 Ride of the Week Empty Re: 4/20/2014 Ride of the Week

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