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insurance quote

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insurance quote Empty insurance quote

Post by pila Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:14 pm

I got a quote from Grundy, $386 for my '74 Malibu, for a year. Bad part about being in Michigan, is the $186 that insurance companies have to tack on to the premiums, for catastrophic crap in Michigan.  In other words, we are paying for other people's catastrophic issues. Mad
Anyway, I'll likely wait until next spring to insure it.  It's a storage queen right now, parked next to an airplane I restored......just another pampered item I need like another hole in the head...

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insurance quote Empty Re: insurance quote

Post by Pontichev327 Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:14 pm

I have the 75 and 73 Grand Ams, The 75 Laguna, and my 69 RS Camaro on collector car insurance from Infinity Insurance. It is an agreed value policy and is VERY reasonable. How's $289.00 for a year on four cars sound?
G3GM Enthusiast
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insurance quote Empty Re: insurance quote

Post by Dinomyte Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:12 pm

I've got a similar policy from Silver Wheel, and it's only $107CDN with an agreed upon value. Once the interior is done we'll be revisiting that agreed upon value, but still very reasonable.
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