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Brake Fluid

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Brake Fluid Empty Brake Fluid

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:34 pm

Okay...so, I had to change a leaking rear wheel cylinder on daughter's Neon. Was wanting to bleed that cylinder while I had the wheel off, but discovered I had no brake fluid onhand. Run to O'reilly Auto and see that all they have is Synthetic Dot3. I'm thinking...I don't recall buying synthetic brake fluid in the past and thought I had heard to never mix synthetic with non-synthetic. Ask the clerk and he says O'reilly corporate pulled all the non-synthetics maybe 9-12 mos ago. He says they are compatible. I'm not sure and figured I'd do some online research (putting brake job on temporary hold). From what I'm reading, Dot3,4 & 5.1 have always been "synthetic"...just never labeled as such on the retail bottles (I know Dot5 is a whole different animal and is silicone-based...and, not compatible with the others). So anyway, what's the deal? Am I having a brain fart...or, has the game changed? Really didn't want to bleed the entire system as it's hard enough to corral someone for even 5 mins. to pump the pedal while I'm manning the bleed screw. Please...not looking for advice in alternate methods to bleed brakes...I've tried them all and am not a fan of anything but old fashioned pedal pumping.
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Brake Fluid Empty Re: Brake Fluid

Post by Joe73 Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:54 pm

With whatever fluid you go with Id bleed the whole system. Brake fluid absorbs moisture very quickly which affects stopping power. I change mine every 3 years and tbere is a noticeable better pedal feel.
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Brake Fluid Empty Re: Brake Fluid

Post by chevellelaguna Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:22 pm

I've ran across this issue at the body shop. Called the dealerships and they usually recommend using the DOT 3. Dot4 has a higher boiling point. It's become the same way with motor oil, lots of it is a synthetic blend. Joe is spot on about flushing every 3 years. It's a magnet for moisture.
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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