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Toys, Drawings, Hauling History, my health

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Toys, Drawings, Hauling History, my health Empty Toys, Drawings, Hauling History, my health

Post by knightfan26917 Sat May 07, 2016 10:41 pm

Who remembers these toy vehicles?
These are just some of this type I still have!

Do you have any of the drawings you did as a kid?
This is most of the group of free-hand drawings of modes-of-transportation (with a mansion house) I did during 3 months, early-mid 1982!

A special car hauler, carrying history:

When is the last time you saw this generation of Pontiac Grand Am!?

On an even more personal note, I had my regular cardiology checkup this past Thursday, 05/05/2016, in Chicago.  While both valves (pulmonary-pig, aortic-cow) seem to be fine per preliminary results (my cardiologist will read the echocardiogram more thoroughly), the CT scan revealed a SPECK on 1 of my lungs.  The report notes cancer, but my cardiologist clarified: the speck was not impressive in the 2011 scan, it was not seen in the 2013 scan & is only slightly bigger now than it was 5 years ago; all of this not exactly characteristic of cancer.  My cardiologist referred me to a Northwestern pulmonary doctor for further review, etc.  Since Medicaid cannot get specialists for me, she also referred me to a NW vein specialist & a NW nephrologist.  Hope to find out next week if I can schedule appointments for all 3 on the same day, which would be most preferable for me, someone who does not like to go into Chicago.  The other specialist I need, an orthopedist, my cardiologist was not able to give me a referral, but 2 out of 3 is not bad, right!?

All of this makes me want to get back on the road (my home) & on the radio ASAP (hopefully tying both into OC,SH somehow), but I have no idea how to accomplish those goals.

Cort Wink www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve.paceMaker.cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic
"Baseball time is here again" __ Steve Goodman __ 'Go Cubs Go'
G3GM Senior Member
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Toys, Drawings, Hauling History, my health Empty Re: Toys, Drawings, Hauling History, my health

Post by knightfan26917 Sun May 15, 2016 5:48 pm

No appointment time(s) have been finalized yet; funny how these issues are always so urgent, then scheduling tests-appointments is either a pain in the rear or agonizingly un-urgent, either of which only adds to the anxiety levels.

*rolls eyes*

Cort > www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve.paceMaker.cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (needs new owner)
"Sometimes a cold wind blows a chill in my bones" __ John Denver __ 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
G3GM Senior Member
G3GM Senior Member

Street Cred : 8

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