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Dash vent removal?

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Dash vent removal? Empty Dash vent removal?

Post by 1975 S3 Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:52 pm

Hi, does anybody know of a safe way i can remove the center vent in the dash (flow through) without damaging it or the dash? Seems I have a loose piece of insulation or possibly a large mouse nest that pops up and blocks the vent while air is flowing through it.
1975 S3
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

Post by chevellelaguna Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:11 pm

The whole assembly is attached to the dash on the backside by screws. Only way to get access to it is to remove the dash.
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

Post by 1975 S3 Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:24 pm

chevellelaguna wrote:The whole assembly is attached to the dash on the backside by screws. Only way to get access to it is to remove the dash.

Thank you, looks like I'll have to recruit a passenger and get them to pull it through piece by piece with some forceps while cruising down the 401

1975 S3
1975 S3
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

Post by Joe73 Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:55 pm

Just a thought, but maybe you can remove the screen by your wipers and put a powerful leaf blower in there. And put a moving blanket around the blower nozzle so air cant escape. That should force air into those vents so you can get at it.
Just an idea.
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

Post by clanceman427 Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:59 pm

Ive had a similar annoyance.  When at speed, old debris gets blown up across the inside of the center vent, then around 10mph when slowing down for a red light, I hear it drop.  I took a pencil and ran it inside the center vent openings when at speed and it helped dislodge the stuff so i could grab it and pull it thru the vent, or break it up so the fragments would blow out.  Not the best solution but got a lot of it out.
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

Post by 77ElClassic Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:44 am

I was able to remove the vent deflectors themselves with a thin plastic putty knife. That may give you enough room to dig the debris out or possibly even get a thin vacuum hose in.
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Dash vent removal? Empty Re: Dash vent removal?

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