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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help Empty okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

Post by A_Tame76 Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:08 pm

https://servimg.com/images.phpI have some wheel well moldings for the front sides and one of the rear that I was told dont look like they are correct for this particular car. I have the moldings for a 2 dr. I obviously dont have a car at my disposal to put my parts against to match them up. Is any able to take some photos of their moldings as the come down towards the ground and stop so I can see the bends for the front and back? I will try to provide a link of photos of what I have, but im not sure if im posting them correctly. Any info is much appreciated. The first photo in the link is the right front molding. THe second photo is the left front molding. The third photo is the left rear. If anyone can confirm what I have, or if Im wrong, Id appreciate it. Thanks
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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help Empty Re: okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

Post by ant7377 Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:08 pm

Your pictures dont show up.
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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help Empty Re: okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

Post by A_Tame76 Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:13 pm

ant7377 wrote:Your pictures dont show up.

Try clicking on the link in the beginning of my paragraph
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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help Empty Re: okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

Post by ant7377 Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:01 am

I did it seems to be the home page for the image posting site.
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okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help Empty Re: okay you 76-77 Cutlass guys...need some help

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