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Random Water leaks in the trunk....

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Random Water leaks in the trunk.... Empty Random Water leaks in the trunk....

Post by texan01 Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:39 pm

So I was thinking on my car, why it only leaked when it rained and the car was stationary. I figured it was the channel for the rear window holding water and leaking down through the channel since it has the ever so slight beginnings of rust trying to form there.

Turns out the channel is fine, its the seam in the filler panel to quarter panel and water is leaking THROUGH the ancient body filler. I also found the culprit of my small rustout in the wheelhouse behind the rear door, water is filling the valley of the seal in the quarter window, and then runs out the front down through the body exhaust vent and settles in the hole there. Car is water tight otherwise.

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Random Water leaks in the trunk.... Empty Re: Random Water leaks in the trunk....

Post by McCauley5983 Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:51 pm

my car does the same thing the guy i bought the car off of did a hack job of fixxing the rust behind the door in front of the wheel well on the quater panel seems like a normal place for these cars to rust though escpecially if they have the chrome trim along the rockers
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