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Inside tail lights on a 73

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Inside tail lights on a 73 Empty Inside tail lights on a 73

Post by irishish27 Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:02 pm

Ok; I know there is no such thing as a stupid question (only stupid people, in which I am about to be one), but are the inside tail lights supposed to go on at all while driving? Or are they just for reverse? Should they light up at all (other then in reverse)?. I feel like they should, but I really just want to make sure it isnt something with my car.

dummmmm derrrrrrr Razz
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Inside tail lights on a 73 Empty Re: Inside tail lights on a 73

Post by pila Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:53 pm

Inboard light assembly is the back-up light, with the partial clear lense, and has only one lamp in it, at least on the El Caminos....
I had a '73 Chevelle many years ago, but don't remember details....

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Inside tail lights on a 73 Empty Re: Inside tail lights on a 73

Post by dragons_lair59 Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:35 am

if memory correct should only be reverse
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Inside tail lights on a 73 Empty Re: Inside tail lights on a 73

Post by Joe73 Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:31 am

The dragon is correct. On the inside light, only the white lights up in reverse. So it should take a 1156 bulb (single filament) for the reverse inside light and a 1157 (double filament) for the parking light and brake lights on the outside light.
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Inside tail lights on a 73 Empty Re: Inside tail lights on a 73

Post by irishish27 Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:13 am

You are correct on the bulbs sir. Thanks guys. I figured everything was working correctly, but I wanted to make sure Neutral Ive seen pics and stuff online with both lights lit up when they are driving, so just wanted to be sure.
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