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paint bumper

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paint bumper Empty paint bumper

Post by JB2wheeler Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:31 pm

Is there an easy way to paint a bumper and not be prone to scratching. I was wanting to avoid removing all the chrome from the bumper. Yes, I am lazy. JB
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paint bumper Empty Re: paint bumper

Post by dynchel Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:30 pm

It will scratch just as easily as any other painted part. If you meant chipping, the best way would be to sand (rough up, sand the chrome till its not shiny any more). Use a quality etch primer, followed by a good build primer then paint. Another option that's more durable would be to have the bumper sandblasted and then get it power coated. When i priced this (locally) i was told appx $50.00 to coat. Having it sandblasted would be up to you though.
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