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Bench seat rear blocks

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Bench seat rear blocks Empty Bench seat rear blocks

Post by Joe73 Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:54 pm

Quick question. Regarding the "blocks" that bolt to the floor on a bench seat car. They essentially lift up the rear of the bench to normal height. I need to know the actual height of the "block". Anyone have one laying around that can measure the height for me? A buddy of mine is putting a bench in his car and removing the botched aftermarket bucket install. He's not looking for original, just something that works.

I gave him the idea of using a piece of square tubing. Lets say its a 2" thick height he needs. So 2"x2" tubing. Cut one end on a 45 degree. On that end drill a hole on the longer side of the 45 so that the seat belt bolt can go through and mount to the floor. Mount it to the floor. Lay the bench in place and mark on the tube where the rear bolt should be for the bench. Take the bench out and drill a hole in the 2x2 for a bolt. Put the bolt inside the tube and let the threads stick out the hole. Tack weld the head of the bolt inside the tube. Now you have a "block" that mounts to the normal seat belt hole and has threads sticking up to accept the rear legs of the bench. Just an idea I had for him and super easy to make.

So can someone measure the height of the "block".? Thanks
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Bench seat rear blocks Empty Re: Bench seat rear blocks

Post by thatfnthing Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:15 pm

In the Monte at least the back bench seat legs actually mounted to the seat belt retractors. Can't do an exact measurement since I chucked them years ago in favor of buckets, but they were a good 4" tall or so. Why not use some wood blocks to test out a couple different heights and see what feels best, then remake them in metal?
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Bench seat rear blocks Empty Re: Bench seat rear blocks

Post by 77mali Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:46 pm

3.49" with a caliper measurement. (I'd call it 3.5")

They are slightly angled from front to back (trapezoidal shape) but I measured center top to bottom in the middle portion. There is a groove in the middle when you slide off the plastic piece where the bolt is, so this is metal to metal measurement w/ the plastic housing off.
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Bench seat rear blocks Empty Re: Bench seat rear blocks

Post by Joe73 Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:59 pm

Guys, thanks for the replies. And quick replies I might add. Thanks alot. 3.5" sounds good. My buddy will be making something up to work. Thanks again.
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Bench seat rear blocks Empty Re: Bench seat rear blocks

Post by Limey SE Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:25 pm

Joe old off on making them I may have a set ..... When Biomedtech sends me the ones I need you can have these but will have to dye the Belts there Tan in color
Limey SE
Limey SE

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