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Nightmare Empty Nightmare

Post by Hawk03 Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:30 am

Nothing like a waking up and seeing your pride and joy taken from you. Some people are just worthless.


His posts on Chevelles.com

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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by driveit Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:27 pm

Thats is terrible.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by 77mali Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:37 pm

I hate scumbags who would do something like that. Hopefully when the thief/thieves meet their maker, they'll get to spend eternity where they deserve. F'n peckerheads!
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by thatfnthing Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:52 pm

77mali wrote:I hate scumbags who would do something like that.  Hopefully when the thief/thieves meet their maker, they'll get to spend eternity where they deserve.  F'n peckerheads!
And I wouldn't mind hurrying that process along a bit.Evil or Very Mad 
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by 77mali Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:20 pm

thatfnthing wrote:
77mali wrote:I hate scumbags who would do something like that.  Hopefully when the thief/thieves meet their maker, they'll get to spend eternity where they deserve.  F'n peckerheads!
And I wouldn't mind hurrying that process along a bit.Evil or Very Mad 
Agreed. If you stole cattle or horses back in the day & you were busted you were a dead man.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:59 pm

To theives, it's just a dollar to be made. To the owner it is a labor of love that can NOT be replaced. JB
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by carcass Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:27 pm

Stealing is a crime, insult, and a sin period.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by driveit Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:49 am

carcass wrote:Stealing is a crime, insult, and a sin period.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by Hawk03 Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:41 am

At least three more cars were stolen.

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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by thatfnthing Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:27 pm

I find myself wondering why they targeted these vehicles in the first place. Usually thieves steal cars and chop them for parts. But there are easier targets than these (the one was inside a locked trailer), and they've been customized to the point that many parts would be useless on another of the same model.

So the only thing left I can see is that they wanted the whole vehicle itself. If they're going to ship it out of the country to an ethically-challenged foreign buyer it might be worth it, though how many are in the market for a hot '47 crew cab pickup?

Or can they really be stupid enough to actually try to re-register these things for use in the U.S., or even dumber, put them on ebay?

Maybe we should be watching the ebay and Hemmings listings...
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by JB2wheeler Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:41 pm

[img]Nightmare Bilde_10[/img]There is a hot market for USA cars overseas. They are in high demand over there. I sold my 73 Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop to a guy in Germany thru Ebay. It cost him more to import the car than what he paid me for it, by the time he paid the high import taxes and strict condition exams over there. It's not just Europe, Japan is also a hot market. JB
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by 77mali Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:26 pm

Another hot market is the "wealthy" middle-east...Dubai, Oman, Saudi...etc. The "scruples quotient" in these markets (and countries for that matter) is laughable. When we kicked Saddam out of Kuwait back in the 90's, many, many, many high end cars we "lost" to their Kuwaiti owners.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by Hawk03 Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:46 pm

The car was found after a guy tried to sell it to under cover cops.

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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by thatfnthing Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:12 pm

Huh, I guess that answers my question.  They really are that farking stupid.  Not only trying to sell it, but sell it back to the guy he stole it from.

Last edited by thatfnthing on Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by 77mali Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:13 pm

Hawk03 wrote:The car was found after a guy tried to sell it to under cover cops.


Awesome. Hopefully justice will be served & the owner of the Chevelle already has it back.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by pila Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:44 pm

Finally some good news for once.....even though I can't picture a Chevelle worth 300,000 bucks, or who determined the value etc.

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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by ant7377 Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:57 am

Its different when its a new car, insurance can replace it most likely you can find another. My friend had his 71 Buick stolen a number of years ago in Maryland near Cecil County Drag strip. Never found, who knows where it went. Insurance paid and he bought another but it was awful. Protect your car with a kill switch or just disconnect your battery. That alone could stop them.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by 77mali Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:15 am

pila wrote:Finally some good news for once.....even though I can't picture a Chevelle worth 300,000 bucks, or who determined the value etc.

Historically, these classic car values are determined by such factors as rarity, options, originality, condition, performance factors and a good official "appraised value" for insurance purposes, etc. The biggest factor IMHO is how much someone is willing to pay. If you by a car at auction for instance, you can sometimes get a good deal or pay through the nose if there are several competitive bidders in the room. If that's the case you might not ever get your money back on it when you try & resell it.

To me having a high end car that cost you big bucks is more of a hindrance. I would like to be able to drive it as much as I wanted, maybe even push it to the limits. A high end car is an investment more than anything else, so you have to treat it as such I guess. I don't like that they become trailer queens & museum pieces though, cars are meant to be enjoyed & driven.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

Post by ant7377 Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:28 pm

They become furniture. I know a guy that has a real copo 69 camaro. Hes had it 35 years. Insurance co.dosent want him to leave it unprotected ever.
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Nightmare Empty Re: Nightmare

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