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1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts

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1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts Empty 1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts

Post by automech01 Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:54 am

can the skirts be removed and regular wheel moldings be installed i dont like skirts on a car

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1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts Empty Re: 1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts

Post by Mcarlo77 Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:14 am

Although I've never seen one of those up close, I'm certain the skirts can be removed. Seen many full size cars with skirts removed and laying in the trunk. It's very doubtful they altered the wheel well lip so that you couldn't install moldings.
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1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts Empty Re: 1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts

Post by thatfnthing Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:42 am

Ditto.  The factory way is to not make different parts any more than absolutely necessary.  Making/installing different quarters depending on whether skirts or moldings would be used would be expensive for the factory.  They would have found a way to attach either to the same standard quarter lip.
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1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts Empty Re: 1975 Pontiac Grand LeMans skirts

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