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Rods & Wheels

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Rods & Wheels Empty Rods & Wheels

Post by Mcarlo77 Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:17 am

Anyone else watch tonight's episode of this new show on Discovery Channel?  I'd seen the promos, so wanted to see what it was all about.  Didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that this was nothing but another in a growing lineup of poorly scripted, poorly produced pieces of crap.  I tried to be subjective...but, the fake drama, fragmented story lines and uninspiring characters was just plain pathetic.  Final straw for me was near the end (yeah...that was a wasted hour in my life I'll never get back) when the two sons had restored a '67 Skylark convertible and were going to take it to a small, local auction to sell.  They proceed to show the auction taking place in what looked like a small parking lot at perhaps a swap meet that was mostly full of unrestored, run-of-the-mill cars in need of serious restoration.  They pan to an amateur auctioneer selling an original, unrestored '77 Malibu Classic.  For a brief second, I got interested..only to realize they were setting the scene for the implications and comments to be made (after it only sold for $900) that this gathering of people were just not the kind of discriminating Buyers who could appreciate or afford a classic such as their Skylark.  Maybe I was being a little too sensitive...but, felt this was just another diss on our generation of cars.  But, as could be predicted from all their previous fabricated drama scenes, their Skylark ended up selling for around $24K.  Hated this show...
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by dynchel Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:11 am

Turn and burn was pretty bad also. I think it got cancelled, not sure. If you never saw It was a shop in so cal where they was about how cheaply can you "rig" something together and make a profit.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by Mcarlo77 Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:02 am

Yeah...had the same impression of that show as well. Where has all the creativity gone in producing t.v. shows anymore?
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by driveit Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:34 am

Are there any good auto related shows on tv? I don't get to watch much, but can never seem to find anything.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by thatfnthing Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:46 am

Musclecar and Trucks on Spike are still decent and informative.  Musclecar even did a 73 Regal last year.  Haven't found anything else worth watching, except maybe Top Gear (the British one) if they're doing something funny.

The problem with most automotive shows these days is that they are either about the drama between the people, the inevitable auction, or the spare $20,000.00 you have lying around to throw at the car.  Very little is actually informative or works with a realistic budget.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by driveit Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:02 pm

I understand that. Even in every magazine they are always saying what ever they are doing is on a budget. All I can say is I wish I had their budget!
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by Tom77 Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:30 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:Anyone else watch tonight's episode of this new show on Discovery Channel?  I'd seen the promos, so wanted to see what it was all about.  Didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that this was nothing but another in a growing lineup of poorly scripted, poorly produced pieces of crap.  I tried to be subjective...but, the fake drama, fragmented story lines and uninspiring characters was just plain pathetic.  Final straw for me was near the end (yeah...that was a wasted hour in my life I'll never get back) when the two sons had restored a '67 Skylark convertible and were going to take it to a small, local auction to sell.  They proceed to show the auction taking place in what looked like a small parking lot at perhaps a swap meet that was mostly full of unrestored, run-of-the-mill cars in need of serious restoration.  They pan to an amateur auctioneer selling an original, unrestored '77 Malibu Classic.  For a brief second, I got interested..only to realize they were setting the scene for the implications and comments to be made (after it only sold for $900) that this gathering of people were just not the kind of discriminating Buyers who could appreciate or afford a classic such as their Skylark.  Maybe I was being a little too sensitive...but, felt this was just another diss on our generation of cars.  But, as could be predicted from all their previous fabricated drama scenes, their Skylark ended up selling for around $24K.  Hated this show...

I 1000% agree! I too had hopes but show fell far from the hype of the previews!
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by Shaunaconda Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:35 pm

All these shows have the same formula for drama...budget, running out of time, almost buying a lemon and if there's an auction the bidding starts out real slow then all of a sudden picks up. Most of the time I just record these, and fast foward to see the end of the build.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by 77mali Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:49 pm

The Fast & Loud boys are good for a laugh...I'm glad I didn't see this Rods & Wheels though...sounds like the best thing that happened there was a really good deal on a 77 Malibu. 
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by Tom77 Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:38 am

I wonder if the buyer of these cars see's the episode and wants their money back.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by dynchel Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:26 am

I just saw this (Pontiac tin Woodie / rat rod redo). I didn't think it was that bad, I would prefer a show more like Stacey Davids gearz, or trucks....more how to and less about the characters.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by pila Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:00 am

I saw that show too...the real joke to me was the "rat rod" with the POS Caddy engine in it, that had the valley pan (under the intake) trashed for some sort of explosion ! Very Happy  while they bolted on two carbs etc, which caught fire while they were fooling with it  Very Happy 

These shows are a dime a dozen these days. What a waste of TV time Flush 

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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by HammerV8 Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:15 pm

Watched this show for the first time last week... Agree with everyone. Downright awful. Young girl comes in with a 1956 Ford F100 saying she has 15 grand to spend on a restoration and 2 weeks. Throughout the build, it shows the girl flirting with one of the sons and convincing him to do a free interior and custom gauges in the dash. And then at the car show, he asks her on a date and gets turned down. Really? Poorly staged and acting at its worst.

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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by dynchel Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:38 pm

Funny thing the finished product had the upgrades that the dad said it wasn't going to get. Btw wasn't it a chevy truck?
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:14 pm

Against my better judgement, I started watching this episode, too (it's like a train wreck...just can't look away). Anyway, when they started with that same scripted garbage of the son sparring with his dad over costs and flirting with the girl by offering to do the truck for $15K, I couldn't take it any longer and switched channels. I swear...I don't know why I pay through the nose for cable t.v. every month.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by pila Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:37 pm

These type shows are getting to be a dime-a-dozen, and many are drummed up by the Discovery family of channels.

Sure qualifies as trash TV..

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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by ant7377 Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:57 pm

The show IS crap. THe two dumbasses drove around in that Buick while they shot it with paintballs,who gets a rise out of that? Dumb. I like Fast and Loud though,they are kinda funny. Another good show is Graveyard cars on Velocity. THe guy is a little annoying but not too much and the cars are really nice, just Mopars though, but I like em.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by pila Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:35 pm

There are likely people who get off on this stuff.. Very Happy 

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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by thatfnthing Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:57 pm

Graveyard Carz has potential, but would be a hell of a lot more interesting if they spent more time showing the work on the cars and less time arguing with each other and playing with junk they found out in the yard.
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Rods & Wheels Empty Re: Rods & Wheels

Post by ant7377 Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:39 pm

I saw the episode of Rods and Wheels with the old Pontiac wagon. The tall kid was going at the fender with an angle grinder in the same spot for the whole clip. There would have been no more fender if he stood there that long,guy has no knowledge of anything pertaining to a car.
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