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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by dhw3971 Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:06 pm

I installed carpeting about 5 years ago and it's still lumpy. I'm planning to pull out the seats anyway for a good dose of sound deadener on the floors and trunk area of my station wagon so I figured that would be a good time to get the carpet glued down and looking smooth. Any recommendations for adhesive to use?
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by Joe73 Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:43 pm

I've never heard of anyone gluing it down. I would assume spray adhesive wouldnt hold due to heat.
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by chevellelaguna Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:08 pm

Yeah same here about never needing to glue it down. Does it have a jute backing? Do you have the asphalt backed sound deadener under the carpet?
3M makes an aerosol adhesive spray. Wouldn't use anything on just the carpet itself, could bleed through and ruin the carpet.
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by Limey SE Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:09 pm

I know some people I have heard Put that sound deadener down and then Use 3M double sided carpet tape with good success
Limey SE
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by dhw3971 Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:23 am

The carpet does not have jute backing---it's aftermarket and about 5 years old. The back side is covered with a clear plastic-type of surface.

The original asphalt-backed sound deadener was in bad shape and has been removed and replaced with newer aftermarket material...it's got foil on both sides and some type of fibrous inner layer.
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by chevellelaguna Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:05 pm

Ahh plastic on foil! I'm surprised you haven't fallen out of it in a turn! Get some spray adhesive in an aerosol can, that'll make it stick somewhat to the foil underlay.
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

Post by dhw3971 Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:41 pm

chevellelaguna wrote:Ahh plastic on foil! I'm surprised you haven't fallen out of it in a turn! Get some spray adhesive in an aerosol can, that'll make it stick somewhat to the foil underlay.

Razz  Razz No shizz, brother!  Add on the vinyl-covered bench seat and you've got one helluva carnival ride.
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Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation Empty Re: Spray adhesive for carpet recommendation

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