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steering column swap out questions

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steering column swap out questions Empty steering column swap out questions

Post by A_Tame76 Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:14 pm

My car currently has a non tilt steering column and the shifter is on the floor. i picked up a tilt column that has the shifter on it (the column)
Was wondering if anyone has done this swap out before, or if it will even work. Can I just take out the column shifter section or lever, and replace it with my so the lever isnt there? Will the plugs on the column plug into mine too? Any tips are appreciated, or if this wont work, let me know.

Thanks guys
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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by The Dude Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:46 pm

I know one way that works if you wanna do some ghetto ingenuity. It actually looks good too. Note that my experience with this is on a 63 Chevy truck, so it may be different somewhat.

The column is made from pot metal. The 63 I done this to had a factory 3 on the tree that was converted to 4 on the floor Twisted Evil . This was my cousin's & he didn't want a shifter just laying there, so we took the shifter off & cut out any raised surrounding areas so the column would be flat. Remember that the column will be taken apart so that you can access both inside & out of the repair area, very important! Next we took plain old Magnum Steel & smoothed over the hole. I'm sure now that a small sheet of fiberglass would have been much easier to work with. Once the filler of your choice is dry, you can sand & paint. If you done this correctly, no one will ever know the difference. The 63's column still looks good 10 years later if you want to know.
The Dude
The Dude

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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by Limey SE Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:50 pm

yea jeff the plugs will work i just went from non tilt 3 speed manual on floor column to auto on column tilt column and it switched beautifully plugs and all

done just like rago described and cant even tell it was ever there

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by A_Tame76 Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:55 pm

but I want to keep my shifter on the floor, but use the tilt column I just got, but eliminate the shifter that is on the column that i picked up. Does that make sense?
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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by Limey SE Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:01 am

YES, it makes sense brother thats exactly how my column is it was a tilt,auto on column and now is a floor shift will post some pics tomorrow if yo wanna see it

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by A_Tame76 Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:06 am

yeah...Id like to see some pics. Im wondering if its as simple as pulling my column out, removing the shifter on the column I just picked up, then putting it the new tilt column in WITHOUT the shifter on it. Maybe I can take the body of my current one, put it on the new column where the shifter was?
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steering column swap out questions Empty Re: steering column swap out questions

Post by Limey SE Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:18 am

yea you can do that also, but just remove the lever and fill it with that magnum stuff rago spoke of

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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