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Bumper Impact strips

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Bumper Impact strips Empty Bumper Impact strips

Post by 76 Malibu Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:16 am

The bumper impact strip is broken on the corner of my 76. Right now it's held together with black tape. Is there anyway to repair a broken impact strip?

It seems finding an NOS impact strip is very difficult. What years will interchange with a 76 bumper? What is the going rate for an impact strip should I find one? I found a '75 impact strip for $300 on eBay. Seems crazy expensive to me.
76 Malibu
76 Malibu
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Bumper Impact strips Empty Re: Bumper Impact strips

Post by 77camino Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:20 am

The impact strips are the same on the 76/77. The 74/75 has a grove through the middle of the strip. I’m not sure if the 74/75 will fit or not. I have seen nos 74/75 ones before, but at $300+ I was not going to take a chance on one that was not original. Hopefully someone else will know if they fit or not. A while back there was a nice used set on eBay, it was the 3 separate pieces and if I remember they were around a $100 for each piece. I thought that sounded high for used.

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Bumper Impact strips Empty Re: Bumper Impact strips

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:45 am

I know for a fact that 74/75 rear bumper strips WILL NOT fit 76/77.  The holes in the bumper don't line up with the studs on the strip.  Been there....

It's extremely difficult to find undamaged bumper strips; especially, the rear ones.  NOS prices reflect that, I guess.  And, on the rare chance you do find one in my neck of the woods, the rust on the retaining nuts/studs makes it very difficult to remove at least some of them without risk of snapping off the stud.  I've spent hours with a Dremel and cut-off wheels trying to do just that on the nuts.  As for repairing a damaged strip at the corners...I have little faith that anything can be done.
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Bumper Impact strips Empty Re: Bumper Impact strips

Post by 76 Malibu Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:57 pm

I should have specified, it's my front impact strip that's damaged. The front right corner to be specific. It got hit in the corner many years ago and other than that it's excellent. My rear impact strip is in excellent shape.

I have noticed the 74-74 has a grove in it. I can live with that if I know it would fit a '76 Bumper, but I don't want to take a chance at these prices.

I actually found a decent used '77 bumper for cheap and it had a good impact strip, but it was a bumper guard car so I believe that's a three piece strip? I would have bought the who bumper but the bumper guards were missing the rubber and rusted.

If anyone has any ideas on how to mend the impact strip, please let me know. I have heard you can weld rubber, but don't know anything about it. Otherwise I will continue to hunt for a NOS or decent used one.
76 Malibu
76 Malibu
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