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on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc

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on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc Empty on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc

Post by knightfan26917 Fri Dec 09, 2022 5:39 pm

Each time I visit, I INTEND to visit regularly to not have so much catching up to do, but life gets in the way. A good thing, for the most part. May was the last time I visited, so some FYI updates, with links for pics and more info, if you are interested.

But 1st:
Anyone in Chicagoland want to meet?

Also, I am formulating road trips to northwest IL, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, southern IL, Tennessee, Carolinas, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc, so please advise if you would like me to visit! Along the way, I may attend EVENTS listed on my 3 websites:

Tuesday, 11/22/2022, I joined Carol for the last few minutes of the WRMN-EAC "Chamber Chat" program; you can see and hear me starting around the 31 minute mark via Facebook live:

* 06/2022, I drove to western IL and far eastern IA with an aunt and cousin.

* 07/2022, I met a friend in Marengo IL.

* 08/2022, After months of planning, I finally road tripped to Springfield IL to see a friend and was treated to a ride in a cool car.

* 09-10/2022, I journeyed along several mini road trips, but neglected to take pictures of my trip to northeast IN, tho I did write up the details.

My 2 cars (2003 Mercury Grand Marquis LS and 1981 Monte Carlo SC) finally met in person for the 1st time in southeast IL, 10/2022:

During that same trip, I took several cool photos, including these 2:

* Dan at 3 months:

* 07/01/2022, my pacemaker was replaced, after over a year of being told the replacement would be "within months"; funny how that works.

* Dan at 6 months:

* 10/31/2022, for Halloween, we had 22 trick or treaters, including Nephew And The 2 Nieces.

* 11/11/2022, 11 years since my 4th open heart surgery; celebrated a day early on the last "warm" day of the year with this photo:

* 11/24/2022, Thanksgiving Day, I posted a sampling of the GRATITUDE LOG I began in early May:

Cort, pig and cow valves with pacemaker
2003 MGM LS + 1981 cmc SC; need 1975 Chrysler Cordoba
"Wonderin' what's real & wonderin' why" | Andy & Terry Murray | 'Treasures For The Road'
G3GM Senior Member
G3GM Senior Member

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on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc Empty Re: on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc

Post by g3chevy / Mr Pontiac Fri Dec 09, 2022 7:10 pm

You've been a busy man Cort! Just listened to your interview on WRMN. Glad to know there are folks like you spreading an awareness of our car hobbies.
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
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on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc Empty Re: on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc

Post by Limey SE Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:34 pm

g3chevy / Mr Pontiac wrote:You've been a busy man Cort! Just listened to your interview on WRMN. Glad to know there are folks like you spreading an awareness of our car hobbies.

Me also thanks Cort for Sharing

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc Empty Re: on the air again, my cars meet, gratitude log, etc

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