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dip stick location?

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dip stick location? - Page 2 Empty Re: dip stick location?

Post by riddick75 Thu May 01, 2014 5:21 am

so are there 2 PCVs? one for each side, I know one is on the driver side front that goes to the carb and I think the other side goes to the air cleaner but would there be a PCV in that line too? and thank you.
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dip stick location? - Page 2 Empty Re: dip stick location?

Post by dynchel Thu May 01, 2014 6:18 am

Correct, some "newer" cars had a aluminum 90° elbow that went to the OE air cleaner, plus a pcv valve both (I think) on the pass side cover.
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dip stick location? - Page 2 Empty Re: dip stick location?

Post by bracketchev1221 Thu May 01, 2014 8:48 am

riddick75 wrote:so are there 2 PCVs? one for each side, I know one is on the driver side front that goes to the carb and I think the other side goes to the air cleaner but would there be a PCV in that line too? and thank you.

No, you need one pcv valve and one breather. Basically think of it as air in the engine and contaminated gases out of the engine. The air is being drawn into the engine through the breather or in your case through the tube connected to the air cleaner housing. It uses that little white brillo pad looking filter to prevent rocks and stuff from being drawn into the engine. Then the pcv valve is connected to the carburetor or intake manifold, to use engine vacuum to pull the contaminated blow by gases out of the crankcase.
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